Friday, April 29, 2016


Had PT and OT this morning. One of the therapy girls brought in her therapy dog. Claire is a cream colored lab, beautiful. I was covered in dog hair, but I don't care. Wish I had my cell phone to make a video. Claire went crazy after the tennis balls on my walker. She was dragging my walker all over the room trying to get the balls off. It was hilarious. 

After lunch, I started unknotting my yarn. When it felt like 5 minutes went by, I looked at the clock only to realize I was late for dinner. In the words of Jim Carey, "ALRIGHTY THEN!"

Just had my first shower since before the surgery. Que the angelic choir. I feel human again. I am so relaxed right now.

Got some great news, I'm going home next Thursday. Can't wait.

My aid just took my vitals, my blood pressure is back to normal.

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