Thursday, April 14, 2016


Yesterday afternoon, I got a surprise visit from my girl Chloe, Rev Linda, and Hannah. It was nice, enjoyed seeing them. 

Now that I'm no longer sharing a room with the creepy lady, I got a much better night's sleep. Saw the house doctor, turns out the tubey thingy between my right ear and nose/throat is kinda sucked in. So grateful someone finally checked it out, it can easily be fixed. Been having a hard time getting around in my new wheelchair. The best chair for my weight is kind of a wide one. Makes it difficult to reach the wheels. I feel like a disabled T-Rex in it.

In order to keep losing my weight, I've been mostly eating large salads.

The last time I was here, I have the bestest roommate. Mz Suzanne and I had a blast together. We kept each other's spirits up, and made each other laughed. Before I came this time, I said I hoped to get another roommate like her. I didn't, but I got the next best thing...she has also returned and is a couple doors down. We had therapy together today, it was a blast.

The other day, I tweeted suggestions for stuff to watch on Netflix or Hulu. Since I'm in the nursing home recovering from surgery, I was asking for something that could help me "escape" if even for a moment (i.e. fantasy/sci-fi). I got a tweet from Hulu themselves suggesting "Firefly". So I'm giving it a chance. Not bad, but I'll be needing some more suggestions soon. Please let me know if you have any. I'll continue keeping y'all updated. Thanks for the prayers.

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