Wednesday, April 13, 2016


A lot of good and bad things have happened since yesterday's blog post. During occupational therapy, I did 7K on the hand bike in 20 minutes. I was sweating. Afterwards, I was sitting in my room half naked on the commode (sorry for the image). A man walks in, pulls back the curtain, and says he's looking for my roommate. I yanked the curtain out of his hand and tried to cover myself. In shock, I said she was in the TV room. He yanks the curtain back again and talks about how he's related to her. I yanked the curtained back yelling, "Excuse me but I'm on the commode." He finally left. I told the CNA, she laughed. I told the nurse, she said she'll talk to the social worker. Got up this morning to a new wheelchair. Had trouble with the footrests, but I tried to deal. By the time breakfast was over, my legs were more swollen they have ever been. Went to physical therapy right after, but was unbearable. If they swelled anymore, they felt like they were going to explode. When PT was finally finished, I went right to the social worker who conveniently was in a meeting with the administrator but had no problem giving me a minute. I asked if she heard what happened yesterday, she said no. So I told her. I said this wasn't the only problem. All of her visitors walk right in without knocking or anything...once while I was getting dressed. As more my roommate herself, she was a sweetheart during the day. Although, she took off her bra in the dining room. We had "Girls Gone Wild--Granny Addition". At night, she reminded me of the creepy grandmother from "The Visit". Not even 5 minutes talking to the social worker, I was being moved into another room. My new roomie's name is Cindy. That's my baby sister's name. So this kinda brings me back. While I was waiting for my stuff to be moved. The nurse was at a loss for what was going on with my leg, she was trying to get a hold of my doctor in Iowa City (considered sending me). That's when the maintenance manager walked by and said "that's supposed to click". I was confused. He walked over, clicked my foot rests up a bit...all of a sudden, the swelling started going down. SMH! Right now, I'm resting in my new room with my feet up and waiting for my lunch in bed til occupational therapy this afternoon. This is to give the swelling more of a chance to go down. As always, I will keep y'all posted.

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