Wednesday, April 27, 2016


It was a pretty good day. I walked to the dining room for breakfast, then took a nap after. One of the occupational therapy girls woke me up to tell me it was time to come down for my appointment. Just as she left, I started to reach for the bed adjuster remote so I could get up. Didn't realize the CNA brought me a new large cup of ice water while I was asleep...spilled it all over me. Go ahead and laugh, I sure did. LOL! Wonder if it counts as the ice bucket challenge. I was late to OT cuz I had to wait for someone to get me towels and new clothes. When I finally got there, I kicked butt on the hand bike. Then I went straight to physical therapy. Started with the electrical stimulates they stick to my legs to encourage my muscles to strengthen. I jokingly refer to it as my "electro-shock therapy". I got to try the stairs, it was easy. Walked to lunch then played video games til Chloe came for her Wednesday visit. She stayed til dinner. Love spending time with my girl. Now, I'm going to play more video games and listen to music. Before I go, I have some good news. I've been driving the dietitian and kitchen staff crazy with what I can and can't eat, because I am determined to eat healthier. Well, it paid off. In the past 21 days, I lost 21 pounds. Talked to staff and therapy ladies, I'm going home next week. Can't wait. Good night, my friends.


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