Thursday, April 21, 2016


Today was blah. My BP & pulse have been running high, and I'm still swollen. They started me on meds. My Hypothyroidism is acting up again, so I'm going to have to get that taken care of too. I told the dietitian that I want to be put on a low-sodium diet until some of this is taken care of. I also asked that bacon will be OKed, she vetoed that. :( 

Some things are better. My roomie & I watched "Step Dogs" last night (on Netflix). We were up real late having a good time, but then we got really tired at 9:00 and went to, I feel so old. Today, we switched beds. This works out for both of us. She can move around the room easier in her wheelchair. I mainly use my walker in here and keep my wheelchair parked in the hall. Now that I'm by the window, I can finally get a little bit of cell signal. Then I got the 20 voice mail messages from my mother after I told her I didn't have a signal (LOL). 

Just finished having a pretty good chili dinner...nothing like my Aunt Phyllies' chili. They usually have the bland old people food, but every once in a while they have something decent. 

Have a good night everybody. hugs & kisses

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