Tuesday, May 31, 2016


My daughter Chloe has multiple issues including Autism and Episodic Ataxia (neuromuscular). Chloe is my heart, and the love of my life. Since my accident in August 2014, I've had to rely on her a lot...too much. I tend to use jokes to hide how I'm really feeling, and I've been feeling useless. This has put a horrible strain on our relationship. Someone close to us said I need to praise her more, so I'm working on it. Lately, I've been able to do more for myself and our home. Next week, we have apartment inspections...so I need to rely on her more. So at night, I write out a list of chores we have to do for the next day. Yesterday, Chloe found the list before I got up and just started on them. When I woke, I started doing as much as I can. Since pain causes me to take many breaks, I allowed her to as well. Together, we got a lot accomplished as well as watch all of the "Back to the Future" movies. By late afternoon, we were starting to get on each other's nerves and started arguing. So I decided to quit for the day and let us both relax. After dinner, Chloe rinsed and stacked the dishes for me. I gave her a big hug and kiss and told her I appreciated all of her help. I also said that I wasn't happy with our arguing but tomorrow's another day. I woke up this morning shortly after 9 to half of the chore list is done. I told Chloe how grateful I was for her. She is starting to show great responsibility and pride in our home and is a great help to me. I told her she could go play video games for a while, she deserved to download a couple more. I also told her that this kind of responsibility she's showing me means that she's becoming ready for a pet. When she turns 14 in about a month, Chloe is going to start looking for her cat. I told her the main condition is that's the only grandbaby she's allowed to give me until she's at least 21. She promised. 

Yesterday was a big deal for our family. First of all, it was Memorial Day. We're a Naval family, so I know and appreciate the sacrifice our warriors take for our freedom. I was rejected immediately from joining, but I will still always have much love and gratefulness to all of our sexy @$$ heroes. THANK YOU!
(USS Brenner, the ship my daddy served)
Another reason yesterday was so important to our family...on May 30, 1984, my little sister and I were adopted on our big sister's birthday. HAPPY "SPECIAL" DAY!
I want to give a shout out to my friend Amy. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

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