Monday, May 16, 2016


Chloe is officially back home for good!!! :D

One main thing that has been causing me more pain in my leg was getting in my chair and putting my leg up on the ottoman (and pulling it close). I accidentally broke the lever that made my chair recline. This morning, my new OT lady came. She showed me a trick to help, and it's easy and pain-free

I'm a little sore from PT this afternoon, but it's tolerable. Not using the meds unless I absolutely have too. Since the accident, I was starting to become a little too reliant on the pain pills, I don't want that too be an issue. I've come too far.

Chloe and I just finished up some chores, now we're going to grill up some boneless-skinless chicken breast with some spinach. Yummy! Hope you all have a good night. 

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