Tuesday, May 3, 2016


Today was uneventful. Kicked butt in both therapies again. Right when I got on the NuStep machine, EYE OF THE TIGER came on the radio. I found it very appropriate. Had them both in the morning, so I spent the afternoon napping. Just finished having dinner. Ate a polish sausage (no bread), sauerkraut, mashed potatoes with gravy, and a side salad. I grabbed a couple bananas for my snack later. Going to just spend the evening playing Wizard101 and listening to music. 

I'm looking forward to tomorrow. They've been giving me tests to see if I'm really ready to go home and take care of myself. Tomorrow afternoon, I need to prepare some kind of meal. Chloe's coming for her visit, so I'm making her favorite...macaroni and cheese. I love seeing my girl. Can't wait.

Good night, my friends and family.

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