Tuesday, August 22, 2017


3 years ago today, Chloe and I were in a really bad car accident. Luckily, my girl's alright.
I had 3 surgeries on my right femur.
Had steel rods, pins, screws, and a plate put in.
Stayed in a nursing home twice, dealt with a major infection, and lived with depression and cabin fever.
Now with the help of my friends I'm getting out, running my own errands, got a new loving church family, and losing some weight. Last week, I started physical therapy. Tomorrow, I start aqua therapy. Can't wait. Next crash-aversary, you won't recognize me.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Foods You Can Eat at Any Time and in Any Quantity

Celery--6 calories
Image result for celery
Celery makes a great snack or as an appetizer
(ants on a log--add peanut butter and raisins)

Arugula--10 calories
Image result for Arugula
Never tried arugula, but I think I will now.

Eggs-78 calories
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Eggs are an awesome food.
You can prepare it in many different ways.

Salad--10-20 calories
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I love salad. You can always do something different.
Just be careful what you put on.

Cucumbers--16 calories
Image result for cucumber
Sometimes when I'm craving chips and dip,
I have a sliced cucumber with a bit of
salad dressing on the side.

Cauliflower--25 calories
Image result for cauliflower
Cauliflower is a great crunchy snack.
Also makes a nice alternative to mashed potatoes.
Tomatoes--25 calories
Image result for tomatoes
Tomatoes are amazing by themselves or in any dish.

Broccoli--31 calories
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Broccoli is another great crunchy snack when raw.
Although, some prefer it steamed.

Popcorn--31 calories
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Popcorn is awesome as long as you don't load it up with butter.

Kale--32 calories
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Personally, I prefer spinach to kale.

Spinach--7 calories
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I love spinach. This is a great food fresh or cooked.
Popeye had the right idea. I add mine to salads.
I also use it in sandwiches and subs instead of lettuce.

Sugar snap peas--35 calories
Image result for sugar snap peas
Love sugar snap peas, can be made in lots of dishes.

Grapefruit--50 calories
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Not a big fan of grapefruit, but lots of people like them.

Melon--55 calories
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Stayed with Grandma Toll one summer. She gave me melon everyday at lunch. I've had more than enough for one lifetime. Many folks love it, so awesome.

Strawberries--50 calories
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My daughter and I love strawberries. Great by themselves, but can be added to many things.

Blackberries--62 calories
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Blackberries are great.
Can also be eaten by themselves or in dishes.

Oranges--80 calories
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OMG, ORANGES! I know this will sound crazy, but I love sucking the juice straight from and orange. Not only low in calories, but high in vitamin C. Gonna share a secret for my juicy turkeys: I cut an orange, a lemon (17 cal), and a lime (20 cal). I squeeze a little juice of each over the turkey, then I put the pieces inside the turkey's cavities. This not only adds an amazing flavor to the meat, but it creates a steam inside that makes the juiciest bird.

Image result for blueberries
Gotta love blueberries. Not only very delicious, but they are also great for your heart and overall health.

I sure hope these ideas give you great options when choosing a healthier lifestyle. I never do "diets". This is a lifestyle change, it's permanent, not temporary.

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Today's been kind of rough. Trying to give up soda is difficult, but I must in order to lose weight. I want a Mountain Dew Throwback so bad right now. Been drinking water.

YouTube has Tai Chi videos for beginners. It was bit of a "stretch", but I gave it a try (as much as my injured leg would allow). It's something I can do for now.

I am trying.

Saturday, January 14, 2017


Last year, I stopped doing new year resolutions and started doing new day resolutions. I took one day at a time. If I fell short, I just tried again the next day. It worked. Even with my leg injury, I lost 70 pounds. This year, I'm continuing my new day resolutions. I'm going to lose at least 100 pounds. By the end of the year, I will be able to walk up and down this hill we live on. For now, I got one of those hand/foot bike pedal things to use while watching TV. I'm kinda sore right now (fell at Christmas). Going back to Iowa City to see Ortho doc. If he says everything's alright, I'm thinking of trying Tai Chi (or however it's spelled). Will keep you posted.